18 May

For working adults, the workspace is like their second home. It should be treated like how we take care of our own home. From the proper use of bathrooms to your desktop and office chair in Singapore, a good portion of the company's expenses goes to the repair and replacements of workspace utilities and equipment.

As employees, here's how we can maintain workspace equipment and furniture like an office chair in Singapore:

  1. Set Rules

One way to encourage careful handling of workspace equipment and to eliminate the need to buy an office chair in Singapore is to set rules in the office. For example, setting up rules like no eating in the workspace or prohibiting keeping unsealed snacks on the office desk reduces risks of infestation in the office. 

  1. Set Regular Maintenance

The office set a regular schedule for office maintenance, such as disinfection, pest control services, and cleaning services. Furniture must be maintained according to the instructions provided by the manufacturers to avoid the need to buy a new office chair in Singapore.

  1. Use The Machine Correctly

Incorrect use of printers, photocopy machines, computers, air conditioners, and even landlines lead to early damage of the equipment. Make sure to orient the employees on how to use office equipment properly. Pulling the cords carelessly and octopus and entangled wirings may cause accidents as well.

  1. Use Organisers and Storage Properly

It is better to provide extra storage, shelves, and drawers to avoid packed office desks. Unused equipment like printers and photocopy machines can be stored here as well. You can supply these added facilities during a commercial office renovation.

  1. Repair Broken Furniture and Equipment Immediately

Immediate repair of office furniture prevents further damage to the equipment. Neglecting a leaky faucet for a long time is costly. A worn office chair in Singapore can cause an accident as well. If your office needs a repair here and there, might as well get a commercial office renovation

Are you looking for new office furniture or perhaps needing workspace renovation? Okamura manufactures varieties of workspace furniture and provides office renovation services. Contact Okamura today.


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