12 Feb

Does your office require you to use a paper shredder machine? Then, this article is for you because you will learn how to safely use one! Read on further to find out!

  1. Check the shredder blades

First, you have to inspect the blades of the shredder by unplugging it then opening it. If you noticed that the blades are chipped or rusted, then it might be best to replace them with a new one before you use it.

  1. Familiarise yourself with its settings

Is it touch activated? Does it have too many buttons? Assess its settings first by reading the instructions manual or asking personnel to guide you.

  1. Place a trash can next to it

If you are tasked to shred tons of documents you would need to clear the paper shredder’s container from time to time to avoid mishaps. Remember to unplug the machine first before you open it again.

  1. Plug it properly

Loose outlets could lead to hazardous fire and machine damage. Paper shredders are susceptible to fire because they store torn up paper. So, proceed with safety measures before you use it.

  1. Insert your files properly

Paper shredders have narrow slits because there are only a limited number of pages that should be inserted. You would find this in the manual that came with the machine. Never force inserting other materials like colour pencils if you do not want to break it.

  1. Empty the wastebasket

Once you are done, do not forget to put the shredded paper in your recycling containers because they could be used for other activities! You can save trees and the environment at the same time!

Are you looking for a high-quality supplier of paper shredder machines in Singapore? Acco Brands Asia has what you need! Visit their website to see their selection of paper shredders and colour pencils!

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