17 Feb

Vinyl Flooring is an investment for every home because of its long-lasting strength and durability. Just like with any furniture, you have to take care of it. In that way, you can fully get the benefits. Hence, allow this article to share some tips on how to maintain a luxurious Vinyl Flooring in Singapore.

  1. Use A Doormat

The first thing you need to consider is how to prevent your vinyl flooring from getting dirty. A doormat helps protect your vinyl sheet for dirt and chemicals that can damage it. Make sure to use doormat to protect the quality of your flooring. 

  1. Sweep Regularly

Regular sweeping will make your vinyl sheet in good shape and clean. You must prevent the dirt from settling in the vinyl. It's also essential to make a habit in sweeping your vinyl flooring to maintain cleanliness. 

  1. Look For The Right Cleanser

Wash your vinyl flooring with a specific cleaning solution to protect its quality. For example, vinyl flooring made with no-wax vinyl should be cleaned using cleaners that are suitable for no-wax flooring. Remember that try not to rub off the wax because you will have to reapply it.

  1. Rinse It Well

You can stick to damp mopping if the vinyl floor does not need serious cleaning. But if you do need, use two mops; one for the washing and second for the rinsing. In that way, you will be able to rinse it well to remove all soap.  

  1. Use Floor Protectors For Big Appliances

The weight of the big appliances will damage the vinyl flooring. It is advisable to use floor protectors to prevent dents to the flooring. Luckily, it is accessible to any hardware store.

Now that you know how to maintain a vinyl flooring and vinyl sheet; head over to Moods Floor at their website https://moodsfloor.com/ and request a luxury vinyl flooring in Singapore!


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