22 Feb

Cheap storage space in Singapore is a lifesaver for people who live in a small house but keep tons of items. People often store things that are not frequently needed but still useful in self-storage spaces provided by storage solutions in Singapore. From Christmas decorations to appliances like aircon are always found in storage spaces around Singapore. However, there are items that should never be put in storage spaces. Continue reading this article to find out.

1. Hazardous and Combustible Materials
We often put our art materials, cleaning items and even equipment in our self-storage space. However, some storage solutions in Singapore restrict items that are flammable and combustible including paint thinner, insecticide, hair sprays, fertilisers and such. If you are keeping equipment in your cheap storage in Singapore, make sure to drain the oil and gasolene first before storing.

2. Food and Perishables
Food and other perishables like dried fruits and pet food should not be kept in your self-storage space in Singapore. Aside from the fact that it will rot, expire and emit a foul odour, it will attract pests such as rodents, cockroaches and ants. Infestation in your cheap storage space will destroy the other items inside.

3. Stolen Items
Many people store their vehicle in their self-storage spaces. You should be able to provide complete documents of your boat, motorbikes, RV and such before storing. Also, a storage solutions company in Singapore may call authorities if they suspect you, storing stolen things. Keeping items that have been reported stolen can get you in trouble with the authorities.

4. Sensitive Documents
It is a fact that you should keep your documents with you and not in storage spaces. Aside from being prone to damage due to infestation or environmental changes, it can also be stolen by thieves who particularly target storage spaces.

5. Living Things
It is common-sense that you cannot keep a living thing inside your storage. May it be a plant, animal or a person. A plant can attract moulds and mildew. Animals that are kept in cages cannot be stored even for a short period of time.

Find your storage unit with Mandarin Self Storage! Mandarin Self Storage ensures all your items will be kept and maintained in good condition. Mandarin Self Storage has been trusted by businesses and ordinary people. 


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