17 Sep

The world is facing climate change. Wherever you live, you have the responsibility to make an environmental change to go green. When you say go green, it doesn’t mean you have to take impactful action. Going green is simple and easy! You have to start within your house -- beginning with your electricity usage. 

Here are the tips to go green with your power provider in Singapore.

  1. Use Lights for Necessary Reasons Only 

The sun is up for a reason. You can maximise natural lighting as your light during the daytime. Electric lights are more efficient during the nighttime because the environment is dimmer. Hence, only turn on the lights for necessary reasons or if you genuinely need it. 

  1. Use Appliances Wisely

You can’t make the washing machine or television run all day! It will cost you more and bring more damage to the environment. So, be knowledgeable about your power purchase agreement in Singapore to be mindful of the usage of your appliance. 

  1. Opt for Greener Options

In today’s time, organisations are becoming more environmentally conscious. Hence, your power provider may offer greener options such as power gas and solar energy in Singapore. For instance, solar energy decreases gas emissions and reduces the carbon footprint. 

  1. Be Willing to Make a Change

Going eco-friendly is not a monthly or weekly responsibility. It is lifetime advocacy. If you’re willing to make a change, you can live a green life that can positively impact the environment and lower your electricity bills from your power provider in Singapore. 

  1. Buy Energy Efficient Appliances

Since you use electricity for your appliances, it is helpful to look for energy-efficient appliances to reduce environmental damage. It can also give you an advantage by lowering your electricity bills from your power provider monthly. 

Live a greener lifestyle with Union Power, a power provider that offers solar energy and power gas in Singapore. Visit their website to learn more about the power purchase agreement.


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