12 Oct

What comes into your mind when you hear the word “ultrasound”. Most of us would probably think of pregnancy. After all, it was during a woman’s pregnancy that ultrasound is often mentioned. It is a clinical technique that allows the doctor and the mother to see the growing child inside the womb. Furthermore, ultrasound is also used in other medical practices such as examining lung conditions, checking for kidney stones and more. But if we are to tell you that ultrasound can also be used for anti-ageing beauty treatment, would you believe that

HIFU is a type of treatment that is often offered in an aesthetic clinic in Singapore. HIFU stands for High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound. Yes, you have read it right, HIFU treatment uses ultrasound in its process. Today, we will share with you more about this amazing treatment.

HIFU is non-surgical

Just like face thread lift, HIFU is a non-surgical facial treatment that aims to lift the skin from the inside using high-intensity ultrasound. Since this is a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment, HIFU will not require the use of a scalpel or other tools that make some patients uncomfortable.

HIFU is an anti-ageing treatment

The main purpose of HIFU is to fight the visible signs of ageing on the face. Thus, it works best for people with sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles. Furthermore, HIFU might not work for other skin types such as acne-prone skin as its main purpose is to lift and tighten the skin.

HIFU can also be used to sculpt facial features

Due to the lifting and tightening power of HIFU treatment, it can be used to shape your cheekbones, chisel the jawlines, remove double chins and correct other facial features in the long run. 

HIFU has a fast recovery time

Being a non-surgical treatment, HIFU heals fast, almost no recovery time is needed. The sessions often last up to three hours and will not need bed rest right after. The patient can still enjoy his/her daily routine long as he/she will not do anything strenuous. Visible results can be observed after 12 weeks and can last up to 2 years.

Want to experience HIFU treatment or Rejuran Healer in Singapore? Visit Shiro Aesthetic Clinic today!


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