By any chance, are you wondering what are proximity sensors, and how does it help us in our daily lives and how does it change the world of automation? If your answer is yes, then here are some facts you should know about the features of proximity sensors.
- There are three main types of proximity sensors: inductive, magnetic, and capacitive proximity sensors.
- Proximity sensors work well without any physical touch.
- It doesn’t cause abrasion or damage to the object. For example, the proximity sensors an elevator doesn’t need a physical touch to detect someone or an object’s presence.
- All proximity sensors have a longer lifespan because there is no contact use for output.
- Proximity sensors are not like optical detection, because they work very well anywhere, and they are suitable for sorts of environments such as water, oil or dirt.
- Sometimes, there are proximity sensors with fluororesin cases that have excellent chemical substance resistance.
- Unlike switches, proximity sensors provide high- speed responses, because it doesn’t need or require physical contact.
- Proximity sensors are applicable and usable for hot and cold temperatures that range from -40 to 200°C.
- Aside from temperature, proximity sensors are also unaffected by colours, which means it can detect anything regardless of colour.
- Anyone should be aware that some proximity sensors are not good with interacting with other sensors. Such as inductive and capacitive proximity sensors, and to prevent any dispute from happening one must be careful when installing them.
- Also, other proximity sensors are suitable for a specific application and environment, and one example would be ultrasonic sensors — that can detect sound waves that can convert the sound into an electrical signal or frequency.
Here are just some facts you should know about the features of proximity sensors. But if you want to know more about their function, then contact this automation industry expert called Pepperl+Fuchs Asia in Singapore, as they can answer your enquiries about proximity sensors.
Resources: https://ibb.co/7VMXWGZ