28 Jun

When we heard the word heavy-duty what often comes to mind is the absurd idea that we can wear it out more than the regular counterparts. That is not absolutely true, especially, when we are talking about your truck’s spare parts. Relying solely on the brand is not a wise thing either. Even when you are using a highly trusted brand like Nissan spare parts in Singapore, it will not guarantee that your truck’s condition will last forever, unless you follow the proper maintenance.

One of the things that you should know when you are using a truck for business is that a truck requires parts replacement more often than a regular vehicle. Even though they are considered heavy-duty vehicles, they are often used with a heavier workload. Here are some of the most commonly replaced parts of a truck you should know:


It must go without saying that truck tires are among the parts that are frequently replaced. Truck tires are travelling longer distances and carrying more weight than a regular vehicle. Thus, they can easily be worn out, flatten, or reduced friction. As the tires are the part of your truck that often come in contact with the ground, it is crucial that you keep them in good shape. A tire with less friction can cause accidents and aside from losing your goods, it can even cause fatalities.


Brakes are very important in a vehicle, a working brake to be precise. If we think it through, the car’s brake, that small part under the sole of your foot, is the very thing that stops the whole car from moving. When you step on the brake, it will carry the car’s momentum so it would stop. Imagine how easily a brake would wear out if the vehicle you’re driving is as heavy as a truck. This is why brakes are among the most frequently replaced parts of a truck.


Your truck’s clutch is responsible for gear shifting and controlling speed. When the clutch is among the parts that are frequently in need of a replacement for regular vehicles, it is only natural for it to also be prone to frequent replacement for trucks. A damaged clutch can make driving really difficult if not impossible. Thus, for safety and convenience, it is advisable to replace the clutch as often as needed.

Maxindo Enterprise is a bearing supplier in Singapore known for distributing truck parts from globally recognized brands like Volvo truck spare parts. Visit our website for more products!


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