14 Jun

Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is a skin condition that affects millions of people around the world. At its worst, it can cause your skin to become irritated and swollen, and is the culprit behind nasty skin rashes, and infections. Over time, untreated eczema can cause you to develop rough or leathery skin and blisters.

Treating eczema

Unfortunately, eczema is a skin condition that does not have any known cure. Eczema can be caused by a number of factors, ranging from genetics to underlying skin conditions to other external factors. The good news is that most cases of eczema are not severe and can be managed through good hygiene and using products like eczema moisturising creams to curb the symptoms.

Food and eczema

Another way to control eczema is through regulating or monitoring your food intake. Did you know that food allergies can go hand in hand with eczema? Eating foods that you are allergic to can lead to the worsening of your eczema symptoms. Different individuals have different food allergies and therefore, different reactions to the foods they eat. 

On the other hand, if you are not allergic to any of the types of foods mentioned below, eating anti-inflammatory foods make for great eczema skin care. Here are some types of foods you should go for.

  1. Foods high in probiotics. Probiotics are bacteria that help promote your immune system and good gut health. Some examples are yogurts, miso soup, and soft cheeses.
  2. Fatty fish and foods. Foods high in “good” fats like Omega-3s can ward off inflammation well. Some common examples of this are salmon, mackerel, and herring.
  3. Foods high in flavonoids, such as Quercetin. You can usually find these in plants and fruits such as kale, blueberries, and apples.

Get the skin care you deserve with Mummybrand! Browse products from eczema treatment creams to lotions to hydrating moisturisers and more.


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