10 Oct

Diastasis recti, or the divarication of recti, is a common complication of pregnancy. It happens when the recti muscles or the six-pack stretches and separates because of the growing baby in the womb. Normally, the separation should be two fingers or one inch wide. However, severe cases of divarication of recti have more than a one-inch gap. Chronic diastasis recti may require postnatal care service in Singapore

Meanwhile, here are the things you should and should not do when you have diastasis recti:

  1. Do get up from your side.

When you are lying down, it is better to roll onto your side before getting up. Getting up in an upright position puts pressure on your abdominal wall and recti muscles. The stress impairs the healing of your weak six-pack muscles. Remember to always get up from your side. 

  1. Don't do crunches.

Crunches, sit-ups, and other exercises alike increase the pressure on the abdominal wall and recti muscles. It can exacerbate the existing divarication of recti by widening the gap more. It also weakens the pelvic floor muscles and causes the stomach to protrude more. 

  1. Do build up your core muscles.

One safe way to strengthen your core, recti muscles, and pelvic floor is through kegel exercises. Side plank hip lifts and other yoga poses and forms also build up your abs and pelvic floor. Consult your postnatal care provider in Singapore for the appropriate exercises for the divarication of recti. 

  1. Don't lift heavy things.

Heavy lifting and weightlifting force your tummy to bulge out. These activities can worsen the existing diastasis recti or cause the separation of recti muscles for people without the divarication of recti. It is the reason why male and female bodybuilders develop diastasis recti.

  1. Do consult your postnatal care provider in Singapore.

Generally, postnatal care services in Singapore provide fast and painless diastasis recti treatment. These treatments are advisable for people with a chronic case of diastasis recti. 

Patience and appropriate management speed up your recovery from diastasis recti. 

Orchard Clinic provides postnatal care services for women in Singapore. Visit Orchard Clinic today. 

Resource: https://www.scoop.it/topic/infograpics-by-iamyulhuang/p/4127339697/2021/10/10/what-you-must-and-must-not-do-when-you-have-diastasis-recti 

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