14 Sep

The benefits of an air filter in Singapore has already been proven. However, it depends on the homeowner how to make it more efficient depending on their living environment. You might ask: where is the best place to put an indoor air purifier? Well, let this article answer that question for you to get 100% effectiveness from your air filter.

  1. In The Worst Pollutants Area 

You don’t need professional help to find the pollutant area in your home. You can use your eyes to look for visible smoke and your nose for unpleasant smells. After looking for the pollutant area, you can now put your home air purifier from Singapore to improve air quality. 

  1. In the Highest Airflow 

The entryway of air is also a strategic place to put an air filter. Moving air has more pollutants than stagnant air. Therefore, you can put it in windows, doors, or balconies. So, put your air filter to act as a defence for unseen germs, viruses, or bacteria. 

  1. In an Open Area 

One of the mistakes you should avoid is placing an indoor air purifier in a closed area. If you do this, the air purifying device will not do its job. Hence, position it in an open space where it can provide maximum airflow for your health protection. 

  1. Away from Electric Device 

Placing your home air purifier near electrical devices may damage the functionality of the air filtering system. It is advisable to put your air filter five feet away from an electronic device. It includes your TV, stereo, gadgets, or microwave. It can also increase the safety of your air filter usage. 

  1. Move it Around From Time to Time 

Another trick is to move your indoor air purifier from the living room to the bedroom to the guest room. This way, you maximise the efficiency of your air filter by placing it in different places. It can improve the air quality of your whole house that promotes better health. 

A better air quality means a healthy living environment. So, get your air filter from Purlife in Singapore by visiting their website now. 


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