18 Mar

Commuting may be the cheapest way to travel places, but when it comes to convenience, there’s nothing much that can beat having your own car. You can go to places on your own time, not have to worry about commute fees or have to walk long distances from station to station. But should you buy a new or second hand car in Singapore?

Car ownership is not encouraged in our country. With limited space on the streets, it’s not really ideal. That’s why car owners face tons of pricy fees and taxes if they want to own a car. If you’re one of those people who need to own a car out of necessity but need to keep costs down, then you should approach a second hand car dealer in Singapore instead.

What are some things to consider if you want to buy a used car for sale in Singapore?

1. Check if your used car has a PARF and COE rebate. After 10 years of use, you are required to deregister your car. PARF is the money you can get back after deregistering, and the COE is the certificate you need to be able to drive the car. Not all cars are entitled to a PARF or COE rebate.

2. You may not get a warranty on your car. Manufacturer warranty usually expires after a certain period. If you buy a used car in Singapore, it’s not guaranteed that your car may still have warranty coverage.

3. Be mindful of maintenance costs. It could be tempting to buy a secondhand car because of the reduced costs, but is it really cheaper? Bear in mind that maintenance costs for second-hand cars are almost always higher.

Looking to buy or sell your used cars in Singapore? Go to GoWheeler’s website to find out more about a car dealership you can trust.



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